The Spread of Communism After 1900
Unit 8: c. 1900-Present
Main Ideas:
Internal tension & Japanese aggression allowed Chinese communists to gain support of the Chinese population & seize power, controlling the economy with strict measures
Many postcolonial states in Africa, Asia, and Latin America had movement to redistribute land & other resources, often advocating communism or socialism
Chinese Communism
Internal Turmoil Allowed the Chinese Communist Party to Take Over
Key Ideas:
Internal turmoil + Japanese Aggression → Allowed Chinese Communist Party to appeal to the Chinese Population → Chinese Communist Party took over in 1949 after winning the Chinese Civil War (1927-49)
China had lots of economic problems in early 1900s → Many peasants hated the current Qing Dynasty government
Chinese communist party promised economic equality to all → Very appealing for the Chinese population
Chinese Civil War (1927-49) between Guomindang (nationalists) vs CCP (communists) → CCP (Chinese Communist Party) won
Chinese Communist Party implemented strict measures to boost the national economy
The Great Leap Forward was an economic plan meant to transform China into a communist economy (by implementing collectivization of agriculture)
This failed, causing a famine that killed tens of millions of people​
Other Communist Movements
Many People Wanted Land Redistribution, Often Advocating Communism/Socialism
Key Ideas:
Many postcolonial states in Africa, Asia, and Latin America had movements to redistribute land & other resources, often advocating communism or socialism
Many people were influenced by the spread of Marxist communism from USSR or China and wanted more economic power
Most of these people were poor peasants who had little economic power, which is why communism's promise of economic equality appealed to them​
Vietnam and Korea both had communist movements
K. R. Gouri Amma was a Marxist communist leader of the Indian state of Kerala, and she implemented land reform policies
White Revolution was a program in Iran, launched in 1963, and did many socialist reforms, such as land reform​​​​