Unit 8: c. 1900-Present
Main Ideas:
Colonial desire for self-determination was unfulfilled after WW1; however, after WW2, increasing anti-imperialist sentiment → Collapse of empires & colonial independence
Nationalist leaders in colonies sought independence, and some negotiated their independence, while others got independence through armed conflict
After colonies got independence, regional movements challenged central rule & often advocated for autonomy, leading to the creation of additional new states
Governments took a strong role in the economy in newly independent states to promote economic development
Many former colonists migrated to the capitals of their colonizers → Maintained cultural & economic ties between the colony & colonizer
Causes of Decolonization
In the 30 Years After WW2, Nearly All European Colonies Got Independence
Why did Colonial Empires Collapse?
Decline of European power
After the World Wars, European nations were economically devastated & lacked the resources to cater to the colonies
US & USSR as Superpowers
After WW2, the global balance of power shifted from Western Europe to US & USSR. Both these nations strongly opposed imperialism
Colonial Independence Movements
The spread of Enlightenment ideals to the colonies → Strong independence movements in the colonies
Due to the above reasons, nearly all the European colonies gained independence in the years after WW2
Events of Decolonization
Some Colonies Negotiated Independence, While Others Endured Armed Conflict
Key Ideas:
The colonies had strong independence & nationalist movements
India had the anti-imperialist Indian National Congress
French Indochina had Ho Chi Minh, who led the Vietnamese communists against the French
Kwame Nkrumah was the leader of British Gold Coast (Ghana), the 1st independent African nation; Strong supporter of Pan-African nationalism
Organization for African Unity (Est. 1962) sought Pan-African nationalism, the idea that all of Africa is culturally united
Gamal Abdel Nasser was the nationalist leader of Egypt who sought pan-Arab nationalism, or the unity of all Arab states
Some colonies peacefully negotiated their independence, while others got independence through armed conflict
India & the Gold Coast (Ghana) negotiated their independence from the British Empire
In 1960 (known as the "Year of Africa"), France peacefully gave independence to all of its West African colonies except Algeria
Algeria fought a long war (1954-62) against the French for independence
Angola also fought a huge war of independence (1961-74)
Vietnam got its independence from France in the First Indochina War (1946-54)
After colonies got independence, regional movements challenged central rule & often advocated for autonomy, leading to the creation of additional new states
In British India, the Muslims sought independence from India's Hindu majority → Partition of India & Creation of Pakistan (A Muslim nation within British India)
The Biafra region of Nigeria sought independence → Fought a civil war (1967-70) → Nigeria won
The Jews of Europe wanted their own state → Creation of Israel (1948) → Lots of conflict between Muslims & Jews in the Middle East
Effects of Decolonization
After Colonies Got Independence, How did the Colonies Develop Themselves?
Key Ideas:
Governments took a strong role in the economy in newly independent states to promote economic development
In Egypt, president Gamal Abdel Nasser promoted economic development by building the Aswan Dam & promoting land reform
Indira Gandhi led the Green Revolution (an agricultural revolution that gave more food from the same amount of crops)
Julius Nyerere (President of Tanzania) promoted the economic policy of Ujamaa: This is collectivization of the economy, similar to communism
Sirimavo Bandaranaike (President of Sri Lanka) nationalized parts of the economy
Many former colonists migrated to the capitals of their colonizers → Maintained cultural & economic ties between the colony & colonizer
Many South Asians migrated to Britain​
Many West Africans migrated to France
Many Filipinos migrated to the US