AP World History
Unit 2: c. 1200-1450
Networks of Exchange
Main Ideas of the Unit:
Improved environmental knowledge, maritime tech, and commercial practices → Expanded reach of trade routes
Increased volume of trade → Fostered grow of new trading cities & states
Increased cross-cultural interaction → Diffusion of different cultures in key trading cities
The Silk Road
Unit 2: c. 1200-1450
Main Ideas:
Improved commercial practices → Increased the reach and volume of trade → Created new trading cities
Specialized in luxury goods such as silk, porcelain, and textiles
Mongols conquered many different cultures & were religiously tolerant → Facilitated exchange of many different cultures & religions
The Mongols & Silk Road
A Trade Route Connecting China & Europe
Key Ideas:
Improved commercial practices increased the volume of trade → Led to creation of new trading cities
Use of credit system, caravanserai (inns), horses/camels, etc.
New trading cities emerged on Silk Road such as Samarkand and Merv
Silk Road specialized in luxury goods​
Goods like silk & porcelain were traded as they were expensive enough to be worth transporting on a difficult overland route (compared to a maritime route)
Mongols were religiously tolerant of all the cultures they conquered → Facilitated exchange of lots of goods, ideas, and cultures
Mongols ruled Central Asia and had control over parts of India, China, Persia, Southeast Asia, and Europe → Connected most of Eurasia through their empire
Pax Mongolica: Because the Mongols ruled the entire land from Europe to China, merchants could safely travel the entire Silk Road without risk
Buddhism spread as Buddhist merchants openly practiced their religion in trading cities
Gunpowder, paper, and bubonic plague spread
Goods & Ideas Exchanged:
Bubonic Plague
The Indian Ocean Trade Route
Unit 2: c. 1200-1450
Main Ideas:
Improved environmental knowledge & maritime tech → Increased reach & scope of this trade route
Growth of interregional trade → Fostered growth of powerful trading cities & states
Merchants of different cultures congregated in key trading cities → Set up cosmopolitan cultural centers → Exchanged cultural and religious ideas with each other
The Indian Ocean Basin Trade Routes
A Maritime Trade Route Connecting East Africa, Arabia, India, Southeast Asia, & China
Key Ideas:
Improved maritime tech and environmental knowledge increased the scope of the trade route
Maritime tech (compass, astrolabe, stronger ships such as dhow & junk) made it easier to travel longer distances
Knowledge of the monsoon winds (seasonal wind patterns in the Indian Ocean) allowed merchants to efficiently travel throughout the region​
Growth of trade → Fostered growth of powerful trading cities & states
Many cities & kingdoms profited & grew from Indian Ocean Trade
Swahili City-States (East Africa), Chola Empire, Sultanate of Malacca, Southeast Asian kingdoms, etc.
Many powerful trading cities emerged (Malacca, Cambay, Calicut, etc.)
Merchants of different cultures congregated in a few key trading cities → Set up cosmopolitan cultural centers → Significant cultural exchange
Religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam were exchanged​
Sufi Islam was popular due to its emotional appeal & its compatibility with other religions
Goods & Ideas Exchanged:
Sufi Islam
Spices & Tea
The Trans-Saharan Trade Route
Unit 2: c. 1200-1450
Main Ideas:
Improved commercial practices → Increased the reach and volume of trade along this trade route
Expansion of Mali Empire → More people were drawn into the trans-Saharan Trade Route
Islam spread via North African merchants → Many West Africans converted to Islam but retained their indigenous African traditions
The Trans-Saharan Route
A Trade Route Connecting North Africa & West Africa
Key Ideas:
Improved commercial practices increased the volume of trade
Camels were used as they could hold heavy loads & survive long without water → Very useful in the desert
Caravanserai were roadside inns where merchants rest for the night
Mali Empire facilitated trans-Saharan Trade​
Mali empire traded goods like gold & ivory → Became very rich & prosperous
Islam spread to West Africa via North African Merchants → Many West Africans converted to Islam but retained some indigenous African traditions
Some West Africans converted to Islam to forge better relations with Islamic North African Merchants
Those who converted didn't fully follow Islamic sharia law & retained some indigenous African traditions
Most West African Muslims didn't follow Islamic ideals of women subordination
Mansa Musa was inspired by Islam and built mosques & Islamic schools in West Africa to promote Islam
Goods & Ideas Exchanged: